I Am Not a Serial Killer
In a small Midwestern town, a troubled teenager named John Cleaver, who is fascinated by serial killers, finds himself drawn into a series of mysterious murders. As he struggles with his own dark impulses, John must confront a sinister force that threatens his community. The film stars Max Records and Christopher Lloyd, delivering compelling performances that add depth to this chilling narrative. Directed by Billy O’Brien, the movie is an adaptation of Dan Wells’ novel and offers a unique blend of horror and psychological thriller elements. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Billy O'Brien
Actors: Anna Sundberg, Bruce Bohne, Christina Baldwin, Christopher Lloyd, Dee Noah, James Gaulke, Karl Geary, Laura Fraser, Lucy Lawton, Matt Roy, Max Records, Michael Paul Levin, Molly Gearen, Raymond Brandstrom, Tim Russell
Country: Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Floodland Pictures, Quickfire Films, Tea Shop & Film Company
Worldwide Gross: $21,148