I Am Not An Easy Man
In this French comedy, the story follows a chauvinistic man who finds himself in a parallel universe where traditional gender roles are reversed. As he navigates this new world, he encounters a powerful female author who challenges his preconceived notions. The film stars Vincent Elbaz and Marie-Sophie Ferdane, delivering engaging performances that highlight the comedic and thought-provoking elements of the narrative. Directed by Éléonore Pourriat, the movie offers a unique perspective on gender dynamics. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Director: Éléonore Pourriat
Actors: Blanche Gardin, Céline Menvile, Christèle Tual, Jules Sagot, Maïe Degove, Marie-Lorna Vaconsin, Marie-Sophie Ferdane, Moon Dailly, Olivier Pajot, Pierre Bénézit, Rémi Gérard, Thibault Vinçon, Vincent Elbaz, Vinnie Dargaud
Country: France
Company: Autopilot Entertainment, Film Invaders, Frenchkiss Pictures