I Spit On Your Grave 2
In this intense thriller directed by Steven R. Monroe, the story follows a young woman named Katie, played by Jemma Dallender, who moves to New York City to pursue her dreams of becoming a model. Her life takes a horrific turn when she is abducted and subjected to unspeakable violence. The film delves into themes of survival and revenge as Katie fights back against her captors. While the movie did not receive any notable awards, it is known for its graphic depiction of violence and has sparked discussions about its portrayal of vengeance. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 7
Genre: Crime, Horror, Thriller
Director: Steven R. Monroe
Actors: Aleksandar Aleksiev, Dimo Alexiev, George Zlatarev, Jemma Dallender, Joe Absolom, Mary Stockley, Michael Dixon, Peter Silverleaf, Valentine Pelka, Yavor Baharov
Country: Bulgaria, United States of America
Company: Cinetel Films
Worldwide Gross: $678,604