I Still See You
Set in a post-apocalyptic world where the boundary between the living and the dead has blurred, this film follows a young woman named Veronica Calder, played by Bella Thorne, as she navigates a reality where ghostly apparitions, known as “Remnants,” coexist with the living. When a mysterious spirit begins to communicate with her, Veronica teams up with a classmate to uncover a dark conspiracy that threatens both the living and the dead. Directed by Scott Speer, the movie combines elements of thriller and supernatural mystery. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 12
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Scott Speer
Actors: Amy Price-Francis, Bella Thorne, David Brown, David Lawrence Brown, Dermot Mulroney, Hugh Dillon, Louis Herthum, Richard Harmon, Sara Thompson, Shaun Benson, Thomas Elms
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Gold Circle Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,620,637