In this 2018 comedy, a young woman named Harper embarks on a work trip to Barcelona, only to have her plans take an unexpected turn when her friends tag along and they end up in Ibiza. The film stars Gillian Jacobs, Vanessa Bayer, and Phoebe Robinson, who bring a lively energy to the story as they navigate the vibrant nightlife and unexpected romantic encounters. Directed by Alex Richanbach, the movie offers a lighthearted exploration of friendship and adventure. While it hasn’t received any notable awards, it provides an entertaining escape and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alex Richanbach
Actors: Anjela Nedyalkova, Anthony Welsh, Augustus Prew, Gillian Jacobs, Jordi MollĂ , Michaela Watkins, Nelson Dante, Phoebe Robinson, Richard Madden, Vanessa Bayer
Country: United States of America
Company: Gary Sanchez Productions, Good Universe, Work in Progress