Five young American friends, on the brink of adulthood, journey to Panama for a getaway and to strengthen their bonds. At their hotel bar, they meet a local woman who, ignoring her brother’s warnings and some unsettling rumors, decides to take them on an excursion to the untouched waterfalls in the nearby jungle. What starts as a simple, scenic day trip soon turns into a nightmare when the woman mysteriously disappears. As darkness falls, the friends come to a chilling realization: the legendary Chupacabra, known for its thirst for blood, is now hunting them.
Genre: Horror
Director: Alastair Orr
Actors: Jamie Anderson, Juanxo Villaverde, Laura Penuela, Lindsey McKeon, Michael Mealor, Pierson Fode, Sofia Pernas, Zachary Soetenga
Country: Panama, United States of America
Company: Kilburn Media, Lightning Entertainment, Momentum Pictures