Interview With A Hitman
In this gripping crime thriller, the story follows Viktor, a cold and calculating hitman played by Luke Goss, who recounts his life story to a documentary filmmaker. As Viktor delves into his past, the narrative explores his rise from a troubled childhood in Eastern Europe to becoming a feared assassin. The film is directed by Perry Bhandal, who crafts a tense and atmospheric journey into the mind of a killer. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a compelling look at the complexities of a hitman’s life. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Director: Perry Bhandal
Actors: Branko Tomovic, Caroline Tillette, Danny Midwinter, Elliot Greene, Luke Goss, Patrick Lyster, Philip Whitchurch, Ray Panthaki, René Zagger, Stephen Marcus
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Kirlian Pictures, Northern Film and Media, Scanner-Rhodes Productions
Worldwide Gross: $61,048