In this suspenseful thriller directed by Adam Salky, a couple’s idyllic life is shattered when their home is invaded, leading to a series of unsettling events that unravel dark secrets. Starring Freida Pinto and Logan Marshall-Green, the film explores themes of trust and deception as the protagonists navigate the aftermath of the intrusion. The tension builds as the couple grapples with the psychological impact of the invasion, questioning their safety and each other. While the movie has not received any notable awards, it offers a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 4
Genre: Action, Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Adam Salky
Actors: Antonio Valles, Brandon Fierro, Clint Obenchain, Freida Pinto, Hayes Hargrove, Logan Marshall-Green, Mark Sivertsen, Megan Elisabeth Kelly, Robert John Burke, Sarah Minnich
Country: United States of America
Company: BCD Travel, Creator Media Entertainment, EMJAG Productions, Sea Smoke Entertainment