Island Zero
In this suspenseful horror film directed by Josh Gerritsen, a remote island off the coast of Maine finds itself mysteriously cut off from the outside world. As the residents struggle with dwindling supplies and growing paranoia, they must confront an unseen threat lurking in the waters surrounding them. The film features performances by Laila Robins and Adam Wade McLaughlin, who bring depth to their roles as they navigate the island’s escalating crisis. While the movie hasn’t garnered any major awards, it offers a chilling atmosphere and intriguing premise. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Josh Gerritsen
Actors: Adam Wade McLaughlin, Anabel Graetz, Anna Gravél, Elaine Landry, Joanna Clarke, Laila Robins, Matthew Wilkas, Richard Sewell, Stephanie Atkinson, Teri Reeves
Country: United States of America
Company: Cyfuno Ventures, Donkey Universe Films, Eric Miller Animation Studios