It Waits
In this 2005 horror film directed by Steven R. Monroe, a young forest ranger named Danielle St. Claire, played by Cerina Vincent, finds herself confronting a terrifying creature in the wilderness. As the creature begins to wreak havoc, Danielle must face her own fears and past traumas to survive. The film combines elements of suspense and psychological horror, creating a tense atmosphere throughout. While it may not have received any major awards, it offers a gripping narrative for horror enthusiasts. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Horror
Director: Steven R. Monroe
Actors: Cerina Vincent, Chilton Crane, Dominic Zamprogna, Eric Schweig, Fred Henderson, Greg Kean, Matthew Jordon, Miranda Frigon, Sean Wei Mah, Tinsel Korey
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Cannell Films, Centaurus Films, William F. White International