In this high-octane Cambodian action film directed by Jimmy Henderson, a group of police officers is tasked with escorting a notorious criminal to a high-security prison. However, their mission takes a dangerous turn when a riot breaks out, and they find themselves trapped inside with the inmates. The film showcases impressive martial arts choreography and features standout performances from stars like Jean-Paul Ly and Dara Our. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it has been praised for its intense action sequences and has gained a cult following. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jimmy Henderson
Actors: CĂ©line Tran, Dara Our, Dara Phang, Eh Phuthong, Jean-Paul Ly, Katsuni, Laurent Plancel, Mony Rous, Rous Mony, Savin Phillip, Sok Visal, Tharoth Sam
Country: Cambodia
Company: Kongchak Pictures