Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter
In this unique blend of horror, comedy, and musical elements, the story follows a modern-day Jesus Christ as he takes on a new mission to protect humanity from a vampire threat targeting the lesbian community. With the help of a skilled Mexican wrestler, Jesus employs martial arts and divine powers to combat the bloodthirsty menace. Directed by Lee Demarbre, this film is known for its campy style and unconventional narrative. Although it did not receive any major awards, it has gained a cult following for its quirky premise and low-budget charm. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Lee Demarbre
Actors: Glen Jones, Ian Driscoll, Josh Grace, Lucky Ron, Maria Moulton, Mike Funk, Murielle Varhelyi, Phil Caracas, Tim Devries, Tracy Lance
Country: Canada
Company: Odessa Filmworks