Jesus Henry Christ
In this quirky comedy-drama, a young boy named Henry, who is a child prodigy, embarks on a journey to uncover the identity of his biological father. Raised by his fiercely independent mother, Patricia, Henry’s quest leads him to an unexpected connection with a young girl named Audrey, who is dealing with her own family complexities. The film features performances by Toni Collette and Michael Sheen, adding depth to the narrative. Directed by Dennis Lee, the movie explores themes of family, identity, and the search for belonging. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Dennis Lee
Actors: Frank Moore, Hannah Brigden, Jason Spevack, Melyssa Ade, Michael Sheen, Oprah Winfrey, Paul Braunstein, Samantha Weinstein, Sarah Orenstein, Toni Collette
Country: United States of America
Company: Hopscotch Pictures, Red Om Films, Reliance Big Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $20,183