Acclaimed filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson accompanied his good friend and frequent collaborator, Jonny Greenwood, on a journey to Rajasthan in northwest India. They were guests of the Maharaja of Jodhpur. Anderson brought along his camera to document the experience. Their journey led them to the historic Mehrangarh Fort, dating back to the 15th century, where Greenwood was working on an album alongside Israeli composer Shye Ben Tzur and a remarkable ensemble of musicians.
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Genre: Documentary, Music
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson
Actors: Aamir Bhiyani, Ajaj Damami, Ehtisham Khan Ajmeri, Gufran Ali, Jonny Greenwood, Nigel Godrich, Sabir Bamami, Shazib Ali, Shye Ben Tzur, Soheb Bhiyani
Country: United States of America
Company: Ghoulardi Film Company