Kaun Kitney Panee Mein
Set in rural India, this film explores the socio-economic divide between two neighboring villages, one prosperous and the other struggling with water scarcity. The narrative unfolds as a young man from the affluent village falls in love with a woman from the impoverished one, leading to a series of events that challenge the status quo. Directed by Nila Madhab Panda, the movie features notable performances by stars such as Kunal Kapoor and Radhika Apte. The film delves into themes of love, social justice, and environmental issues, offering a poignant commentary on the importance of water conservation. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nila Madhab Panda
Actors: Anubha Saurya, Ekavali Khanna, Gulshan Grover, Kunal Kapoor, Radhika Apte, Robin Das, Saurabh Shukla
Country: India
Company: Eleeanora Images