In a small Japanese town, a young girl named Ai is sent by her fanatically religious mother to live in a cult commune, where she remains for seven years. When the police dismantle the cult, Ai embarks on a new chapter, attending a regular school for the first time. However, she struggles to fit in and eventually leaves both the school and mainstream society. She ends up living with a family of delinquents, surrounded by gangsters and call girls. In an unexpected turn of events, Ai finds herself in a new, seemingly normal life with a middle-class family, yet her troubled past continues to lead her down darker, more perilous paths.
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Director: Eiji Uchida
Actors: Ami Tomite, Anthony, Hana Matsumoto, Hanae Kan, Kaito Yoshimura, Katsuya Maiguma, Kenta Suga, Matthew Chozick, Nanami Kawakami, Sairi Ito
Country: Germany, Japan, United Kingdom