Key of Brown
“Key of Brown” is a gripping thriller that blends action and drama, unfolding over a tense night in the life of Bernadette Lawson. Bernadette, a former call girl on the brink of retirement, has just been released from prison and is completing her sentence under house arrest. Desperate for money, she agrees to a quick, one-hour job for her former madam, offering $500. However, the situation takes a deadly turn when she discovers her client is a notorious serial killer targeting sex workers, who is also on the F.B.I.’s most-wanted list and in possession of a kilo of high-grade brown heroin.
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Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller
Director: Vaughn Christion
Actors: Jacque Dorsey, James Lyones, Michele Baldwin, Stan J. Adams, Struggle E. Stylez, Verina Banks
Country: United States of America
Company: Blu-Tang Films, Envision 13, F-Team