In this intense Spanish thriller directed by Miguel Ángel Vivas, a family’s peaceful evening is shattered when their home is invaded by masked criminals. The film is a gripping exploration of fear and survival, as the family members are forced to confront their worst nightmares in a desperate bid to escape. Known for its unrelenting tension and innovative use of long takes, the movie has been praised for its raw and realistic portrayal of a home invasion. While it did not receive major awards, it has garnered attention for its technical prowess and suspenseful storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller
Director: Miguel Ángel Vivas
Actors: Ana Wagener, César Capilla, César Díaz Capilla, Dritan Biba, Fernando Cayo, Guillermo Barrientos, Manuela Vellés, Martijn Kuiper, Xoel Yáñez
Company: Blur, La Fabrique 2, Vaca Films
Worldwide Gross: $969,024