Set against the gritty backdrop of West London, this film delves into the tumultuous lives of a group of teenagers navigating the challenges of adolescence. The narrative unfolds over the course of 24 hours, capturing the raw and often harsh realities faced by these young individuals, including themes of violence, peer pressure, and survival. The film features a standout performance by Aml Ameen, who plays the central character, Trife. Directed by Menhaj Huda, the movie offers an unflinching look at urban youth culture. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 13
Director: Menhaj Huda
Actors: Adam Deacon, Aml Ameen, Christopher Villiers, Cornell John, David Schaal, Jaime Winstone, Nicholas Hoult, Noel Clarke, Rafe Spall, Red Madrell
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Cipher Films, Stealth Films, TMC Films
Worldwide Gross: $849,650