Kindergarten Cop 2
In this action-comedy sequel, Dolph Lundgren stars as a gruff FBI agent who goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher to recover sensitive stolen data. The film explores the humorous challenges he faces while trying to manage a classroom full of energetic children, all while maintaining his cover and completing his mission. Directed by Don Michael Paul, the movie offers a blend of light-hearted moments and action sequences. While it didn’t receive any notable awards, it provides a fun watch for fans of the genre and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Don Michael Paul
Actors: Aleks Paunovic, Andre Tricoteux, Bill Bellamy, Carolyn Adair, Darla Taylor, Dolph Lundgren, Fiona Vroom, Jody Thompson, Rebecca Olson, Sarah Strange
Country: United States of America
Company: Capital Arts Entertainment, Imagine Entertainment, Universal 1440 Entertainment