Set against the backdrop of Argentina’s Dirty War, this gripping drama follows Captain Tomás Kóblic, played by the renowned Ricardo Darín, as he seeks refuge in a small rural town after defying orders during a military operation. The film delves into themes of guilt, redemption, and the oppressive political climate of the time. Directed by Sebastián Borensztein, the narrative is both tense and introspective, capturing the moral complexities faced by its protagonist. The movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Sebastián Borensztein
Actors: Inma Cuesta, Marcos Cartoy Díaz, Oscar Martínez, Ricardo Darín
Company: Antena 3, Antena 3 Televisión, Atresmedia Cine, Gloriamundi Producciones
Worldwide Gross: $1,839,313