Koch Brothers Exposed
“Koch Brothers Exposed” is a compelling documentary that delves into the darker side of the wealthiest 1%. Directed by the esteemed Robert Greenwald, known for works like “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price” and “Outfoxed,” this film focuses on Charles and David Koch, two of the most affluent and influential individuals globally. The documentary reveals how these billionaire siblings finance an extensive network of organizations that work against the interests of the majority, affecting areas such as Social Security, environmental policies, and civil rights. It exposes the corruption of the Kochs and suggests ways for Americans to reclaim their democratic rights.
Genre: Documentary
Director: Robert Greenwald
Actors: Bernie Sanders, Bill McKibben, Jim Hightower, Joe Barton, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Van Jones
Country: United States of America
Company: Brave New Foundation