Set in the late 1980s, this heartwarming Czech film follows the life of a confirmed bachelor and cellist, Louka, whose life takes an unexpected turn when he becomes the guardian of a young Russian boy. The film beautifully explores themes of unexpected responsibility and the bond that forms between the unlikely pair amidst the backdrop of political change in Czechoslovakia. Directed by Jan Svěrák, the movie won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, showcasing its international acclaim. Notably, the film stars Zdeněk Svěrák, who also co-wrote the screenplay. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jan Svěrák
Actors: Andrei Chalimon, Andrei Khalimon, Karel Heřmánek, Ladislav Smoljak, Libuše Šafránková, Liliyan Malkina, Nela Boudová, Ondřej Vetchý, Silvia Suvadová, Stella Zázvorková, Zdeněk Svěrák
Country: Czech Republic, France, United Kingdom
Company: Biograf Jan Sverak, Pandora Cinema, Portobello Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $5,770,254