Kubo and the Two Strings (Latino Audio
In this visually stunning stop-motion animated film, a young boy embarks on a quest to uncover the truth about his family’s past, armed with a magical shamisen and accompanied by a monkey and a beetle warrior. The narrative weaves together themes of courage, family, and the power of storytelling, set against a backdrop inspired by Japanese folklore. The film, directed by Travis Knight, received critical acclaim and was nominated for two Academy Awards, including Best Animated Feature. Featuring the voices of stars like Charlize Theron and Matthew McConaughey, this enchanting tale is available for free viewing on Soap2day.
Views: 13
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family
Director: Travis Knight
Actors: Art Parkinson, Brenda Vaccaro, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Charlize Theron, George Takei, Matthew McConaughey, Meyrick Murphy, Minae Noji, Ralph Fiennes, Rooney Mara
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Focus Features, Laika Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $76,249,438