In this enchanting fantasy film, a young girl named Sarah embarks on a quest to rescue her baby brother from the clutches of the Goblin King, played by the iconic David Bowie. As she navigates a magical labyrinth filled with peculiar creatures and challenging puzzles, Sarah learns valuable lessons about friendship and self-discovery. Directed by Jim Henson, the movie is renowned for its innovative puppetry and imaginative set design. Although it did not win any major awards, it has since gained a cult following for its unique blend of music, fantasy, and adventure. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 17
Genre: Adventure, Family, Fantasy
Director: Jim Henson
Actors: Brian Henson, Christopher Malcolm, Dave Goelz, David Alan Barclay, David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly, Karen Prell, Natalie Finland, Rob Mills, Ron Mueck, Shari Weiser, Shelley Thompson, Toby Froud
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Henson Associates (HA), Lucasfilm, The Jim Henson Company
Worldwide Gross: $14,699,654