In this 1990 dance drama, a high school teacher by day and a passionate dancer by night, Kevin Laird, played by J. Eddie Peck, uses the power of dance to bridge cultural divides and inspire his students. The film, directed by Joel Silberg, explores themes of education, social justice, and the transformative power of music and dance. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it gained attention for its vibrant dance sequences and the way it highlighted the Lambada dance craze of the time. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Joel Silberg
Actors: Adolfo Quinones, Basil Hoffman, Dennis Burkley, J. Eddie Peck, Keene Curtis, Leticia Vasquez, Melora Hardin, Ricky Paull Goldin, Rita Bland, Thalmus Rasulala
Country: United States of America
Company: Cannon Films, Film and Television Corporation
Worldwide Gross: $4,263,112