Land of Storms
In this poignant drama directed by Ádám Császi, the story follows Szabolcs, a young Hungarian footballer, who finds himself at a crossroads after leaving his team in Germany. Returning to his rural hometown, he encounters Áron, a local boy, and the two form an unexpected bond that challenges societal norms and personal boundaries. The film explores themes of identity, love, and self-discovery against the backdrop of a conservative community. Notably, the film stars András Sütő and Ádám Varga, delivering compelling performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Ádám Császi
Actors: András Sütö, Börcsök Enikő, Enikő Börcsök, Gábor Szabó, Kristóf Horváth, Lajos Ottó Horváth, Sebastian Urzendowsky, Szabolcs Fábián, Téby Zita, Uwe Lauer, Varga Ádám, Zita Téby
Company: Café Film, I'm FILM, Proton Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $3,241