Last of the Dogmen
In this 1995 adventure film, a bounty hunter named Lewis Gates, played by Tom Berenger, embarks on a journey into the Montana wilderness, where he stumbles upon a hidden tribe of Cheyenne Indians who have been living in isolation for over a century. Accompanied by anthropologist Lillian Sloan, portrayed by Barbara Hershey, Gates must navigate the challenges of bridging two worlds while confronting his own past. Directed by Tab Murphy, the film explores themes of cultural preservation and redemption. While it didn’t receive major awards, it remains a unique exploration of lost history and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Mystery, Thriller, Western
Director: Tab Murphy
Actors: Andrew Miller, Barbara Hershey, Graham Jarvis, Gregory Scott Cummins, Kurtwood Smith, Mark Boone Junior, Molly Parker, Steve Reevis, Tom Berenger, Wilford Brimley
Country: Canada, Mexico, United States of America
Company: Carolco Pictures, Chargeurs, Last of the Dogmen
Worldwide Gross: $7,024,389