In this psychological thriller directed by Ed Gass-Donnelly, a woman named Jane, played by Abbie Cornish, struggles with memory loss following a traumatic accident. As she begins to uncover disturbing clues about her past, she is haunted by visions that lead her to question her own sanity. The film also features performances by Dermot Mulroney and Justin Long, adding depth to the mysterious narrative. While it hasn’t garnered any major awards, the movie’s atmospheric tension and intriguing plot twists make it a compelling watch. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Ed Gass-Donnelly
Actors: Abbie Cornish, Dermot Mulroney, Diego Klattenhoff, Justin Long, Katie Odegaard, Lola Flanery, Mackenzie Muldoon, Peyton Kennedy, Sarah Abbott, Stuart Hughes
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: 3 Legged Dog Films, South Creek Pictures