Legally Brown
“Legally Brown” is a comedy event that unites top comedians for a single night, all of whom share a commonality: their skin color and their unique insights on its significance in a post-9/11 world. The show is hosted by Tony Plana, known for “Ugly Betty,” and features performances by Alex Reymundo from “Latin Kings of Comedy,” Jerry Bednob of “Kumar Go to White Castle,” Cristela Alonzo, a runner-up on “Last Comic Standing,” Willie Barcena from Comedy Central, Omar Elba, who hails from Egypt, and Border Patrol Agent Bubba Gomez, played by Rick Najera. These comedians humorously tackle stereotypes and the Arizona immigration law, demonstrating that humor transcends race and religion.
Views: 2
Genre: Comedy, Documentary
Director: Scott L. Montoya
Actors: Alex Reymundo, Cristela Alonzo, Gerry Bednob, Omar Elba, Rick Najera, Tony Plana, Willie Barcena
Country: United States of America
Company: LOL Comedy TV, LOLflix