In this supernatural action thriller, humanity’s fate hangs in the balance as a group of strangers find themselves trapped in a remote diner during an apocalyptic event. The film features an ensemble cast, including Paul Bettany, who plays a fallen angel determined to protect a pregnant waitress whose unborn child is humanity’s last hope. Directed by Scott Stewart, the movie combines elements of horror and action, creating a tense atmosphere as the characters face off against a legion of possessed individuals. While it did not receive any major awards, the film is notable for its unique take on angelic mythology. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 29
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Scott Stewart
Actors: Adrianne Palicki, Charles S. Dutton, Dennis Quaid, Jon Tenney, Kate Walsh, Kevin Durand, Lucas Black, Paul Bettany, Tyrese Gibson, Willa Holland, Ντένις Κουέιντ
Country: United States of America
Company: Bold Films, Screen Gems
Worldwide Gross: $67,918,658