Life Like
In this intriguing sci-fi drama, a young couple, played by Drew Van Acker and Addison Timlin, acquires a life-like android to assist with household chores, only to find their lives increasingly complicated by its presence. The film explores themes of artificial intelligence and human relationships, raising questions about the nature of consciousness and companionship. Directed by Josh Janowicz, the movie delves into the ethical and emotional implications of technology in everyday life. While it hasn’t received any major awards, it offers a thought-provoking narrative that can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction, Thriller
Director: Josh Janowicz
Actors: Addison Timlin, Drew Van Acker, Ellen Michelle Monohan, Hilary Barraford, James D'Arcy, Mark Famiglietti, Nicholas Baroudi, Steven Strait
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Lions Gate Films, Lionsgate, Lionsgate Films, Sprockefeller Pictures, Wildfire Pictures (II)