Life of Brian
Set in Judea during the time of Jesus, this satirical comedy follows the life of a man born on the same day and in the house next door to the Messiah. The film humorously explores themes of mistaken identity and religious fervor, as the protagonist inadvertently becomes a reluctant leader of a new movement. Directed by Terry Jones, it features the comedic talents of the Monty Python troupe, including Graham Chapman, John Cleese, and Eric Idle. Notably, the film sparked controversy upon its release due to its irreverent take on religious themes. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 34
Genre: Comedy, Top250Movies
Director: Terry Jones
Actors: Carol Cleveland, Eric Idle, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Kenneth Colley, Michael Palin, Neil Innes, Terence Bayler, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones
Country: United Kingdom
Company: HandMade Films, Python (Monty) Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $20,781,763