Like Father
In this heartfelt comedy-drama, a workaholic woman, played by Kristen Bell, finds herself on an unexpected journey of self-discovery after being left at the altar. She ends up on her Caribbean honeymoon cruise with her estranged father, portrayed by Kelsey Grammer, whom she hasn’t seen in years. As they navigate the high seas, the duo embarks on a path to mend their fractured relationship. Directed by Lauren Miller Rogen, the film explores themes of family, forgiveness, and personal growth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Lauren Miller Rogen
Actors: Alex PĂ©rez, Amber Hodgkiss, Blaire Brooks, Brittany Ross, Kelsey Grammer, Kristen Bell, Leonard Ouzts, Paul W. Downs, Seth Rogen, Zach Appelman
Country: United States of America
Company: aBard Production, Lylas Pictures, Phiphen Pictures