Lila Says
Set in a gritty neighborhood of Marseille, this film explores the intense and complex relationship between two young individuals, Lila and Chimo. Lila, portrayed by Vahina Giocante, is a free-spirited and provocative teenager who captivates Chimo, played by Mohammed Khouas, with her bold stories and uninhibited nature. As their friendship deepens, Chimo is drawn into Lila’s world, leading to unexpected consequences. Directed by Ziad Doueiri, the film delves into themes of desire, freedom, and the power of storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Director: Ziad Doueiri
Actors: Carmen Lebbos, Dominique Bluzet, Edmonde Franchi, Ghandi Assad, Hamid Dkhissi, Karim Ben Haddou, Lotfi Chakri, Moa Khouas, Stéphanie Fatout, Vahina Giocante
Country: France, United Kingdom
Company: Huit et Demi Productions, Passion Pictures, Zeal S.r.l.
Worldwide Gross: $537,871