Linhas de Wellington
Set against the backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars, this historical drama intricately weaves the personal and collective struggles of soldiers and civilians as they navigate the chaos of the French invasion of Portugal in 1810. Directed by Valeria Sarmiento, the film features an ensemble cast including John Malkovich and Catherine Deneuve, who bring depth to this sweeping narrative of resilience and survival. The film is noted for its meticulous attention to historical detail and its exploration of the human condition amidst the ravages of war. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Valeria Sarmiento
Actors: Afonso Pimentel, Carloto Cotta, Jemima West, John Malkovich, Marcello Urgeghe, Marisa Paredes, Miguel Borges, Nuno Lopes, Soraia Chaves, Victoria Guerra
Company: Alfama Films, Clap Filmes, France 3 Cinéma