Little Boxes
As the summer before sixth grade unfolds, Clark, a biracial newcomer in a predominantly white town, grapples with fitting in. He learns that being accepted means adopting a ‘more black’ persona, leading to awkward attempts to meet these expectations. Meanwhile, his city-savvy parents, Mack and Gina, also face the challenge of adapting to life in a small town. Although well-equipped for the complexities of New York City, the close-knit family finds themselves unprepared for the unique hurdles of their new suburban environment. They soon find themselves wrestling with self-discovery and mutual understanding in this unfamiliar setting.
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Director: Rob Meyer
Actors: Armani Jackson, David Ebert, Janeane Garofalo, Julie Hays, Melanie Lynskey, Miranda McKeon, Nadia Dajani, Nelsan Ellis, Oona Laurence, Veanne Cox
Country: United States of America
Company: Kid Noir Productions, Mighty Engine, Related Pictures