Little Wing
“Little Wing” follows the journey of 12-year-old Varpu, who is on the brink of adulthood, and her mother, who resists growing up. Varpu, who lives with her mother and has never known her father, reaches a breaking point one night with her equestrian friends and her mother. She impulsively takes a car and heads north, determined to find her father, armed only with his name. However, the encounter with her father defies her expectations. This meeting sets off a chain of events that leads Varpu and her mother, Siru, to a deeper understanding of their roles in each other’s lives and their place in the world.
Genre: Drama
Director: Selma Vilhunen
Actors: Antti Luusuaniemi, Lauri Maijala, Linnea Skog, Niina Sillanpää, Outi Mäenpää, Paula Vesala, Santtu Karvonen
Company: Final Cut for Real, Making Movies
Worldwide Gross: $365,680