Liz in September
In this 2014 film directed by Fina Torres, the story unfolds around a group of friends who gather annually at a beachside retreat. The narrative centers on Liz, a charismatic and free-spirited woman, whose life takes an unexpected turn when she meets Eva, a newcomer to the group. The film explores themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery against the backdrop of stunning Venezuelan landscapes. Starring Patricia Velásquez, the movie offers a poignant look at the complexities of human relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Fina Torres
Actors: Arlette Torres, Danay García, Elba Escobar, Eloísa Maturén, Karina Velásquez, Luis Gerónimo Abreu, Mimí Lazo, Patricia Velásquez, Sheila Monterola
Country: Venezuela
Worldwide Gross: $540,390