Local Color
Set in the 1970s, this film follows a young aspiring artist, played by Trevor Morgan, who seeks guidance from a reclusive and cantankerous painter, portrayed by Armin Mueller-Stahl. As the two form an unlikely friendship, the story delves into themes of mentorship, artistic passion, and the struggles of creative expression. The movie is directed by George Gallo, known for his work in both writing and directing. Notably, the film features a strong supporting cast, including Ray Liotta and Samantha Mathis. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: George Gallo
Actors: Armin Mueller-Stahl, Charles Durning, Julie Lott, Nancy Casemore, Ray Liotta, Ron Perlman, Samantha Mathis, Taso Papadakis, Tom Adams, Trevor Morgan
Country: United States of America
Company: Alla Prima Productions, Brushwork Pictures, Permut Presentations
Worldwide Gross: $32,788