Louise Wimmer
In this minimalist debut reminiscent of the Dardenne brothers’ style, the story follows the middle-aged protagonist, played by Masiero, who is experiencing significant hardship. Louise’s life is a constant struggle as she alternates between sleeping in her car and a storage unit, while holding down a part-time job as a hotel maid. Despite her efforts to secure public housing, she lives on the brink of poverty, with only a few Euros separating her from complete destitution.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Cyril Mennegun
Actors: Anne Benoît, Annie-France Poli, Cécile Rebboah, Corinne Masiero, Frédéric Gorny, Jean-Marc Roulot, Jérôme Kircher, Marie Kremer, Maud Wyler, Nicolas Woirion
Country: France
Company: Arte France Cinéma, Canal+, Zadig Productions