Love in the Time of Monsters
In this horror-comedy, two sisters embark on a road trip to a quirky tourist attraction, only to find themselves in the midst of a bizarre and dangerous situation involving mutated creatures. The film features performances by Kane Hodder, known for his role as Jason Voorhees in the “Friday the 13th” series, and Doug Jones, a frequent collaborator with Guillermo del Toro. Directed by Matt Jackson, the movie blends humor and horror in a unique setting. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Matt Jackson
Actors: Doug Jones, Gena Shaw, Heather Rae El Moussa, Hugo Armstrong, Joe Fria, Kane Hodder, Marissa Skell, Michael McShane, Shawn Weatherly
Country: United States of America
Company: Red Cube Pictures, TBC Films