Love Live! The School Idol Movie
The film’s narrative picks up following the conclusion of the second season, during the graduation ceremony for the third-year students. Aware that the departure of these senior members signifies the dissolution of μ’s, the nine girls stroll through the memory-laden school grounds. Yet, as they prepare to exit through the school gates, they receive an unexpected email, signaling the start of a new chapter for μ’s.
Views: 2
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Music
Director: Takahiko Kyôgoku
Actors: Aina Kusuda, Aya Uchida, Emi Nitta, Natsumi Takamori, Pile, Riho Iida, Sora Tokui, Suzuko Mimori, Yoshino Nanjo, Yurika Kubo
Country: Japan
Company: 2015 Project Love Live Movie, ASCII Mediaworks, SUNRISE
Worldwide Gross: $22,069,046