Love Sarah
In this heartwarming drama, a young woman named Clarissa, played by Shannon Tarbet, embarks on a journey to fulfill her late mother’s dream of opening a bakery in Notting Hill. With the help of her mother’s best friend, played by Celia Imrie, and her estranged grandmother, portrayed by Shelley Conn, they navigate personal challenges and forge new bonds. Directed by Eliza Schroeder, the film beautifully explores themes of family, loss, and the healing power of food. While it hasn’t received major awards, it offers a touching narrative and can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Eliza Schroeder
Actors: Bill Paterson, Candice Brown, Celia Imrie, Denise Welch, Grace Calder, Lucy Fleming, Phelim Kelly, Rupert Penry-Jones, Shannon Tarbet, Shelley Conn
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Miraj Films, Neopol Film, Rainstar Productions
Worldwide Gross: $1,111,401