Love’s Kitchen
In this charming romantic comedy, a talented but struggling chef, played by Dougray Scott, finds new inspiration after a personal tragedy. With the help of a spirited food critic, portrayed by Claire Forlani, he attempts to revive his failing restaurant and rediscover his passion for cooking. The film features a cameo by celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, adding a touch of culinary authenticity. Directed by James Hacking, this heartwarming tale explores themes of love, loss, and the healing power of food. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: James Hacking
Actors: Claire Forlani, Dougray Scott, Gordon Ramsay, Holly Gibbs, Katrine De Candole, Lee Boardman, Matthew Clancy, Michelle Ryan, Peter Bowles, Simon Hepworth
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Just Nuts Films, Trifle Films