Lucky Miles
Set against the backdrop of the Australian outback, this film follows the journey of a group of asylum seekers who are abandoned by their smugglers and must navigate the harsh landscape to find safety. The narrative weaves together themes of survival, hope, and the search for belonging, offering a poignant look at the human spirit. Directed by Michael James Rowland, the film features standout performances from actors such as Kenneth Moraleda and Rodney Afif. While it did not receive major awards, it was well-received for its unique storytelling and cultural commentary. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Director: Michael James Rowland
Actors: Arif Hidayat, Deborah Mailman, Don Hany, Geoff Morrell, Glen Shea, Kenneth Moraleda, Rithy Dourng, Rodney Afif, Sawung Jabo, Sri Sacdpraseuth, Srisacd Sacdpraseuth
Country: Australia
Company: Blink Films, Puncture Pty. Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $572,171