Magic Magic
In this psychological thriller directed by Sebastián Silva, a young woman named Alicia, played by Juno Temple, travels to a remote part of Chile with her cousin and friends. As the days progress, Alicia’s mental state begins to unravel, leading to a tense and unsettling atmosphere. The film also stars Michael Cera and Emily Browning, adding depth to the ensemble cast. While it didn’t receive major awards, the movie is noted for its intense performances and atmospheric tension. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Sebastián Silva
Actors: Agustín Silva, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Emily Browning, John Carlos Huenchuano, Juno Temple, Lorenza Aillpan, Luis Dubó, Michael Cera, Roxana Naranjo, 精彩的黄涩视频网站:12129.CC
Country: Chile, United States of America
Company: Braven Films, Chile Films, Cine Sur