Maigret’s Dead Man
In this gripping 2016 crime drama, Inspector Maigret, portrayed by the talented Rowan Atkinson, delves into the mysterious murder of an unidentified man in Paris. The film intricately weaves a tale of suspense and intrigue as Maigret navigates the city’s underbelly to uncover the truth behind the victim’s death. Directed by Jon East, the movie captures the essence of Georges Simenon’s classic detective stories. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Jon East
Actors: Dénes Bernáth, Dorottya Hais, Grant Stimpson, Ian Puleston-Davies, Iván Fenyő, Karen Gagnon, Leo Staar, Mark Hadfield, Rowan Atkinson, Shaun Dingwall
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Ealing Studios, Fragile Films, Maigret Productions