Set in the 1950s, this film directed by Stijn Coninx tells the poignant story of an Italian immigrant family in Belgium, focusing on the young Rocco Granata, who dreams of a life beyond the confines of his mining town. The narrative explores themes of ambition, cultural identity, and the pursuit of dreams against the backdrop of post-war Europe. Matteo Simoni stars as Rocco, delivering a compelling performance that captures the struggles and aspirations of a young artist. While the film did not receive major awards, it offers a heartfelt portrayal of the immigrant experience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Biography, Drama, Music, Romance
Director: Stijn Coninx
Actors: Cristiaan Campagna, Donatella Finocchiaro, Evelien Bosmans, Federica Marinò, Luigi Lo Cascio, Maité Redal, Marte Bosmans, Matteo Simoni, Mattias Van de Vijver, Rocco Granata
Company: Centre du Cinéma et de l'Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Eyeworks Film & TV Drama, Les Films du Fleuve
Worldwide Gross: $4,998,164