Marion Bridge
In this poignant drama, three estranged sisters reunite in their Nova Scotia hometown to care for their ailing mother, confronting their past and the secrets that have shaped their lives. The film stars Molly Parker, who delivers a compelling performance as Agnes, the sister who returns home with hopes of reconciliation and healing. Directed by Wiebke von Carolsfeld, the movie explores themes of family, forgiveness, and personal redemption. It can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Drama
Director: Wiebke von Carolsfeld
Actors: Elliot Page, Emmy Alcorn, Hollis McLaren, Jackie Torrens, Joseph Rutten, Marguerite McNeil, Molly Parker, Nicola Lipman, Rebecca Jenkins, Stacy Smith
Country: Canada
Company: Idlewild Films, Mongrel Media, Sienna Films